
时间:2017-08-02 18:20 作者:CFA考试俱乐部 来源:CFA考试俱乐部

  2018年CFA®一级考纲的变动主要体现在删除上,Corporate Finance和Derivatives这两个科目各删除了一个reading,Quantitative Methods这一科目删除了一个考点,而Equity新增了一个考点。
  Study session 14 Equity: Analysis and Valuation
  Reading 49. Equity Valuation: Concepts And Basic Tools中:
  CFA考点c:describe regular cash dividends, extra dividends, stock dividends, stock splits, reverse stock splits, and share repurchases;
  考点d: describe dividend payment chronology;
  Study Session 3 Quantitative Methods: Application
  Reading 10. Common Probability Distributions中:考点h: calculate and interpret tracking error
  Study Session 11 Corporate Finance: Leverage, Dividends and Share Repurchases, and Working Capital Management
  Reading 38. Dividends and Share Repurchases: Basics整个reading.
  The candidate should be able to:
  a describe regular cash dividends, extra dividends, liquidating dividends, stock dividends, stock splits, and reverse stock splits, including their expected e?ect on shareholders’ wealth and a company’s financial ratios;
  b describe dividend payment chronology, including the significance of declaration, holder-of-record, ex-dividend, and payment dates;
  c compare share repurchase methods;
  d calculate and compare the e?ect of a share repurchase on earnings per share when 1) the repurchase is financed with the company’s excess cash and 2) the company uses debt to finance the repurchase;
  e calculate the e?ect of a share repurchase on book value per share;
  f explain why a cash dividend and a share repurchase of the same amount are equivalent in terms of the e?ect on shareholders’ wealth, all else being equal.
  Study Session 17 Derivatives
  Reading 59. Risk Management Applications of Option Strategies整个reading.
  The candidate should be able to:
  a determine the value at expiration, the profit, maximum profit, maximum loss, breakeven underlying price at expiration, and payo? graph of the strategies of buying and selling calls and puts and determine the potential outcomes for investors using these strategies;
  b determine the value at expiration, profit, maximum profit, maximum loss, breakeven underlying price at expiration, and payograph of a covered call strategy and a protective put strategy, and explain the risk management application of each strategy.

  2017年7月27日 | 2018年6月CFA®考试开始报名
  2017年9月20日 | 早期报名截止
  2017年10月 | 可进行模拟测试或查阅练习题
  2018年2月1日 | Awareness奖学金申请截止
  2018年2月14日 | 普通CFA报名截止
  2018年3月14日 | 后期CFA报名截止
  2018年3月29日 | 残疾人和因宗教信仰变更考试日期申请提交截止2018年4月17日 | 考场更改申请提交截止
  2018年5月 | 打印准考证
  2018年6月23日 | CFA®考试
  2018年6-7月 | CFA®考试评分
  2018年7-8月 | CFA®考试结果查询效率,更有保障通过。祝大家顺利!
  CFA®考试俱乐部(www.cfa.com.cn)综合整理,来源:CFA®考试俱乐部,原创文章,经授权转载,若需引用或转载,请注明出处 ,仅供参考、交流之目的。