
时间:2015-01-16 16:37 作者:cfa 来源:cfa

Informational Interview的关键是,你既不想让对方感觉出来你是排练过的,同时你也不能让对方觉得你“太过于聪明”。小编**翻译总结的Top 10 Informational Interview问题及运用场景。各位,拿走不谢!
对初级投资银行家(Junior Investment Banker)
M&A Analyst/Associate
"What percentage of the work you do has been pitching versus actual transactions and what level of exposure have the teams given you to the model?"
Restructuring Analyst / Associate
"I recently saw that your restructuring group was retained for the XYZ bankruptcy. I assume that was on the debtor side since that is typically the engagements your group works on? Have you done any creditor work and which did you like better? I'm trying to get a feel for what the difference is between debtor and creditor side work."
Analyst / Associate in a Specific Industry Group
"I saw the recent transaction your group completed with XYZ firm. Who provided the financing for the deal and how frequently does your group bring in outside banks or provide staple financing?"
对初级私募人员(Junior Private Equity Professionals)
Pre-MBA Associate
"How much of your time is spent monitoring portfolio companies versus due diligence on new deals?"
对初级对冲基金人员(Junior Hedge Fund Professionals)
Special Situations/event Driven Equities Group
"How does the work-flow/responsibilities change over time as you move up and how does the buy process work?"
HF Analyst
"What do you think is the best way for someone to master the basics on their own, or to at least learn enough to get into a fund post-MBA? I've spoken with an analyst at a large HF who directed me to do the following: 1. Read as much as possible: news, filings, industry research, investment/strategy books, etc. 2. Develop a one or two really good in depth ideas into full pitches 3. Invest in your PA. Does this sound like the right approach or would you add anything to that list?"
对于一个新人,你觉得******的学习基本技能的方法是什么呢?或者说,想要成为一个基金研究员,我需要学习的基本技能是什么?我曾经和一个知名对冲基金公司的分析员谈过,他告诉我需要做以下准备:a. 尽可能多的阅读,包括新闻,报纸,行业研究,投资战略书籍等。b. 有一个或者两个真正深刻的想法并且告诉别人这个想法。c. 投资你的PA。想要进入对冲基金行业,你觉得这些准备足够吗?你还有别的需要补充的吗?
  • 对初级交易员(Junior Sales & Trading Professionals)
An Emerging Markets Trader
"I understand that emerging markets traders can cover many products and focus on 1-4 countries in which they make markets, or they can trade 1-2 products and cover many countries. My question, however, is if equities are under EM at your desk or a general equities umbrella?"
Junior Trader
"I have been studying up on leverage inherent in futures and created a risk management plan for my own PA...ie how I size trades, use stops, add to positions, etc. Do you think there are other specific ways I can prepare for interviews to show that I'm genuinely interested in trading?"
  • 关键的是,以上都只是sample。大家都可以根据自己的具体情况修改问题。
说了什么可以问,接下来,小编再告诉大家在**次做informational interview中3个绝对不能问的问题: